“There is no thought, no virus, no disease, no physical contaminant capable of stopping my body’s ability to find balance – as long as I am in vibrational harmony with my body’s Source of Energy.”
-- Abraham Hicks
Welcome to one of the most popular, talked about healing systems in the world today. Network care involves the use of gentle contacts along areas of the neck and spine which alert the brain to release chronic life tension and trauma from the spine and nervous system.
Unresolved stress will create tension in the spine, muscles and nerves, causing eventual tension to the body’s organs and systems. This can lead to varying states of pain and dis-ease. As these subtle touches/contacts are applied through Network levels of care, the body/mind can begin to function in a more integrated, flexible, fashion, more easily recognize and respond to stress, while developing more advance strategies for life.
Each level of Network care is clinically designed to further the evolution of the spine into an instrument of great flexibility and support. It is an elegant process, allowing for graceful movement, self-correction of spinal distortion, and full range of motion of the human form.
The “filter” of the nervous system-through which we perceive the world- becomes clearer, manifesting new insight and opportunities for healing, and advancement of our wondrous potential.
As you emerge with newfound ease and flexibility, the ability to “move with the rhythm of life” becomes effortless, and stress can then be used more as a stimulus for growth and change.
It is the exquisitely subtle nature of this approach that encourages physical and psychological defenses to literally surrender and invite: