“Moving into the experience of opening the heart and deeper levels of spiritual connection through these methodologies in the hands of Dr. Inkles is one of the most safe, gentle, and nourishing ways to awaken to the self.”

-- Jeanette Bronee, Nourishment Counselor,
Founder, Path for Life Self-Nourishment Center


The Power to Awaken program provides one of the most profound resources for transformation and evolution of the human experience. This 12 month program manifests a complete release of all structural “anchors” to past stress and trauma, with further development of the spine’s self-correcting strategies. This leads to unparalleled states of body-mind integration and expression of human potential.

If you're seeking to reach beyond your current mindset, expand your consciousness, and experience the freedom possible through your body, breath, energy, and spirit, this program is for you.

It is an elegant, effortless process to observe, as the brain becomes better equipped to auto-regulate the body’s systems and functions allowing for dynamic states of healing, growth and heightened states of wellness. In the complete absence of defense posture, breath and energy is more easily directed to the chest and heart region, leading to increased feeling of love, gratitude, compassion, heightened intuition, and a deepening of self-knowledge.

The true power of the Awaken Program is in its ability to allow one to have greater access to little used resources of the cerebral cortex-that part of the brain responsible for reasoning, higher intellect, and spiritual awareness. Research has shown the heart to be the body’s instrument of greatest vibration, and its connection to brain frequencies is essential to optimal function and full development of human consciousness. *

The Power to Awaken Program amplifies and enriches one’s life experience-whether it be in relationships, states of wellness, or how to best contribute in this world.

*Biology of Transcendence, Joseph Chilton Pearce


“Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Who looks outside dreams, who looks inside, AWAKENS.”

-- Carl Jung


Go Back to the Beginning

NEW YORK, NY 10011
(347) 429-2605